Monday, July 30, 2007

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I was that close to Bobby Bowden. . .

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“I could walk out tomorrow and have a darn good time,” Bowden said. “I don’t want to. I could go down to the beach. I’ve got a condominium right there on the beach, but I’d rather coach.”


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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Geoff, I don't think this is Hopetown Harbour.

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I know you had an excellent view from the top of the lighthouse, but, I think the harbour is smaller than this. Oh, wait, here is the view!

If you missed the trip, most of the kids came in on the Fictitious Family's boat, the "Chimera," on the right-hand side of the top picture. Others, flew in.

Today, Hope Town's lighthouse must be one of the most photographed and visited in the world. In addition to its distinctive candy-striped exterior, it remains one of the few manually operated, kerosene-powered lighthouses still in use, one of two in the Bahamas. A double shift of keepers share the duty of running up and down stairs every few hours around the clock to hand-crank the light mechanism, a formidable task given the one hundred steps up the steep, narrow stairwell. Visitors are welcome to explore the premises, climbing to a magnificent view across the Abaco Triangle of islands. For the intrepid, there's even an outer balcony, reached via a small, low crawlspace, built to the proportions of a midget. No visitor should miss this opportunity to see both the lighthouse in use and its aerial view.

before the storm.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007