Monday, December 7, 2009

We Don't have fun; we just watch others play

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A few of the kind of folks watching Bobbie Who's last game. At least the 'Gator coach cares about winning.


Anonymous said...

They look more like folks who just found out their team got creamed by Alabama and they blew their chances for another National title! Oh no, I guess if that were the case they'd be crying like their quarterback.

Precious said...

Hey ,

I wanted to invite everyone over after Christmas for a New Year's Celebration. I've got a limo on hold for a night on the town and another night out planned just for the ladies (the boys can stay home and watch football and stay with the kids.) Let me know when you can come anytime from Dec 27-Jan 2 , so I can make reservations for the events. I have 3 rooms available for the adults and couches, air mattresses, sleeping bags, tents, or, RV for the kids. I would love it if you all could come. We have so much to celebrate.



hmoran8 said...

wtf???? Who can I sue?