Sunday, October 29, 2006


At the November 17, 18 and 19, 2006, Mad Moon Campout at KARS Park, the Creek Tribe pulled in many blue ribbons and a sweet war coup.
The Creek Tribe is still activity looking for Dad and boys (5, 6 and 7 years old) interested in participating in our adventures. Interested? Fleetfooted?


Anonymous said...

Ah Ho Mighty Creek,

I got the e-mail about this website and came by to check it out. Wow!

Last campout, there were some unpleasant moments between the Nation’s Council and the Creek tribe. I want you to know that we were wrong. The Creek tribe is a symbol of what is great about Indian Guides. You guys have it right, and we were wrong. I want to extend my personal apology, hope you will let bygones be bygones, and ask for your forgiveness. Let us all seek to, “To love my neighbor as myself.”

Stone Heart
Nation Chief
Canaveral Nation

Anonymous said...

This website is the greatest thing I have ever seen! You are the best! Cocoa Beach would be a daub of dirt without you. You Rock!

Tom said...

This past weekend two boats were stolen from a south Cocoa Beach condominium. A 15 foot long silver in color, aluminum jon boat with a 15 hp Yamaha outboard, and an 11 foot long, green in color, aluminum boat with no motor. It is believed that the motor was taken off of the 15 foot boat and put on the 11 foot boat. It is further believed that both boats are in the Thousand Island area of Cocoa Beach.

Please contact the police department if you should see either of these stolen boats.868-3251.