Monday, February 12, 2007

Wow, What a Campout.

Gosh, I hope Crafy has pictures of Wildcat's 3d place trophy! This hyperlink should take you there.


Anonymous said...

We would like:

Asparagus with Roasted-Garlic Aioli

Lake Chalice Marlborough Riesling '06

Arugula and Goat Cheese Ravioli

Roasted Cornish Hens with Black-Olive Butter

Farro with Fennel and Carrots

Ambra Barco Reale di Carmignano '05

Meyer Lemon Souffle

Wild, Bob and Tom

Famila de Pletch said...

Lizard family wants dinner Friday. Let us know in advance though, since we sometimes stop at KFC on the way.

Anonymous said...


-Homemade bread: made with white and whole wheat flour, with traditional recipes, cooked with wood fire to bring out those special flavors.
-Omelets: (In the most innovating and balanced combinations)
-Crêpes: (Different flavors and unique Creek salsas)
-Fresh fruit Salads and many yogurt choices.
-Milk from Orlando with choice of hot or cold cereals.
-Fresh natural juices.
-Great variety of pastries baked by our chef, Tom.
-South American coffees, brewed to perfection.


- Fresh natural juices.
- Mix of salads from the organic vegetable garden.
- Buffet of the best meats cooked just to perfection.
- Cookies and regional chocolate.
- Pure mineral water and hot chocolate.
- Eggs (traditionally prepared).
- Homemade breads.
- Mix of mild and spicy salsas.
- Ham, salami, and a variety of international cheeses

Anonymous said...

Irish Cream!

Irish cream can be drunk alone, over ice or as part of a cocktail. It is also commonly used as an addition to coffee in lieu of cream or sugar.

As is the case with milk, cream will curdle whenever it comes into contact with a weak acid. Milk and cream contain casein which coagulates when mixed with weak acids such as lemon, tonic water or lime cordial. While this outcome is undesirable in most situations some cocktails specifically encourage coagulation.

A Cement Mixer is an alcoholic drink usually made with lemon juice and Irish Cream though acidic alcohols can replace the lemon juice. A shot of lemon juice is taken first and held in the cheek, followed by a shot of Baileys, with the two mixed in the mouth. The acidity of the lemon juice curdles the Irish cream and the mixture is swallowed.

Baileys Coffee is made using a measure of Baileys in a cup of coffee and then topped off with cream.

Anonymous said...

Food, glorious food!
Hot sausage and mustard!
While we're in the mood
Cold jelly and custard!
Pease pudding and saveloys!
What next is the question.
Rich gentlemen have it, boys:

Anonymous said...

Just a tin cup, for a chalice, fill it up with good red wine.

Anonymous said...

Drop the trailer in our traditional spot across the street. When we start setting up lets set up under the oaks like we used to do. All we need is the long house, tables, grill and washing bin. (Did somebody take the table with the broken leg to fix it?) I won't be out until after baseball practice Friday so I'll see you all then.

Tom said...

The trailer is parked under the oak trees where it belongs.

Tom said...

The trailer is parked under the oak trees where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

Where is the trailer?

Anonymous said...

He said it was under the oak tree.

He said it was under the oak tree.

Anonymous said...

How many are going to be at dinner Friday, just the Yardley and Pletchers?

Tom said...

You can post, but it will not show up untll Sunday!