Wednesday, November 8, 2006



Anonymous said...

I wish Charley the best. He is really hard to dislike and has the same quality of his hero, Ronald Reagan. Having said that, I would call attention to the fact that Florida is to national poltics what Maine is to College Football, we do not, have never and will not certainly with the likes of Charley produce national figures. It is just the reality.

Florida voters are all sort of mildly retarded, the culture down here is mordant and opaque.
The press down here -I would call them intelligentsia but this is Florida- may have given Governor-Elect Crist a free ride but the single, likely gay renter will never survive the white heat of national press scrutiny which would accompany any prospective ascension of his star to the national stage.

Look, what is Florida. It is a state of retirees, angry Cubans, and displaced emigres from more competetive parts of the nation who want to be left alone, party, suntan,make easy money, scam, wife-swap, avoid church, watch college football and go to the Mons Venus. We do not have one top flight university and we are in every appreciablee aspcet s u b s t a n d a r d except for fishing and drinking. We live contentedly with horrible public education, malignant crime and non existent social services. Arkansas and South Carolina can get away with a third world level of society, but we are the fourth largest
state. We cannot touch New York, California or even hell Texas (at least them cowboys can spell).
We are a joke and our selection for Governor sadly confirms that.

Anonymous said...

Wow, that is very harsh!